Signal Sync Disclosure Statement

The ERISA and ACA (Plan Documents) that you have will be receiving are prepared from templates which have been drafted by experienced employee benefits counsel who make every reasonable effort to keep the templates current, and compliant with applicable law. However, there are many variables that must be considered in customizing the Plan Documents for use by an Employer or plan. Given this, Signal Sync and its officers, make no warranty or representation, express or implied, regarding the Plan Documents and makes no guarantees as to the outcome or results to be obtained from your use of the Plan Documents. The Broker Agent or Employer is solely responsible for any failure with respect to distribution of the Plan Documents to plan participants or the maintenance or distribution of any other materials, including any component benefit plan documents, which may be required to comply with applicable law. While these documents have been completed with the utmost care to accuracy and laws, it is recommended a qualified attorney or other appropriate professional should be consulted on all legal compliance matters.

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